It is suggested that only the Game/Dungeon Master raed this Webpage
while fully familiarizing himself with the materials.
Most sections of the Webpage begin with a simple description and functionality of the topic/section,
followed by a story describing the circumstances and events for the section.
Next is each room desciption (refering to the applicable map) with its contents of items and creatures.
The end of the Webpage lists all creatures and items,
including game statistics and conversions for other games.
This Webpage describes floating cities and pods functionality
(and an adventure of their post war days),
and has full plans and descriptions of Floating City and Pods with structures and vessels and life.
This includes the original station plans and descriptions,
post appocalypse stories maps and descriptions,
and also vessels and inhabiting creatures.
This is meant to be functional for both Gamma World and Traveler (among other) games.
And includes game conversions for most items and creatures.
While the world was cluttering up with cities on land,
the oceans were considered one of the locations to escape to via ship.
After a while some travelers wanted to spend longer periods of time
or wanted a permanent residence there.
These people were open to spending more money to do this,
so the floating cities were started.
More wealthy people could live in peace away from the hectic world on land.
These cities became permanent locales across the seas,
but usually within a short distance from land (from 1 to 10 miles).
During the appocalypse, most of these cities were evacuated.
Some were destroyed in the war. Many deteriorated and/or collapsed and floundered/sank.
But some survived in assorted states.
The included adventure is of a Floating City that was evacuated (mostly - some stayed and starved),
and is in a reasonably good state; still automated, with some small damage.
Recently though, one of the City Pods that was loosened over the years,
broke free and drifted down the coast, until it washed upon and crashed across the reefs
(with little left of it).
This is where the adventure starts (and presents the Intro Floating City Adventure).
There are many possible scenarios possible to present in a game to the players.
Some are presented here.
* A city of post war for exploring and scavenging.
(This module is the basis for the adventure here)
* City(s) could be created for militaristic bases,
both imediately off shore as a defense,
or in the sea as a (possibly mobile) vehicle base.
(This module describes some military possiblities)
* This city could be a planetary base for an aquatic world in Traveller or GURPS.
* A city that could be a detective adventure in the future - say for Traveller or GURPS.
* A city or pod(s) washed ashore for explanation - maybe leading to other adventures - such as in the Intro Adventure.
Main Cross section MAP :
Level 12 - Farming - MAP :
- JLC.